A really big snack 这个小吃可不小
本文由 Andre tian 于 2013-10-21 13:14 Monday 发布在 英语 评论(2)
Several top chefs cook rice noodles in a big pot with a diameter of 3 meters in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on Tuesday. The pot of snack food required 150 kilograms of rice noodles, 10 kg of pork, 10 kg of sour bamboo shoots and other ingredients.
chef [ʃef]主厨,厨师
pot [pɒt]盆,罐
diameter [daɪ'æmɪtə]直径
size of the pot
autonomous [ɔː'tɒnəməs]自治的
manage by themselves
region ['riːdʒ(ə)n]地区 范围
- area
sour [saʊə] 酸味的
- acid taste,like the taste of a lemon
bamboo shoots[ʃuːt]竹笋,嫩芽
young leaf
ingredients [ɪn'griːdɪənts]材料 作料
add other spices